General Bibliography


Abrams. M. H., ed. Norton Anthology of English Literature. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1974.
Andrews, Kerri. Wanderers: A History of Women Walking. London Reaktion Books, 2020. 
Armitt, Mary. The Church of Grasmere: A History. Kendal: Titus Wilson, 1912.
———. Rydal. Ed. Willingham F. Rawnsley. Kendal: Titus Wilson, 1916.
Arnold, Thomas. Passages in a Wandering Life. London: E. Arnold, 1900.
Atkin, Polly. Recovering Dorothy: The Hidden Life of Dorothy Wordsworth. Salford: Saraband, 2021.
———. Much with Body. Bridgend, Wales: Seren, 2021.
Axon, Ernest. The Family of Bayley of Manchester and Hope. Manchester: n.p., 1894.
Bainbridge, Simon. Mountaineering and British Romanticism: The Literary Cultures of Climbing, 1770–1836. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2020.
———. “‘Active Climbers of the Hills’: Women in the Mountains.” Saturday Talks Series, Wordsworth Grasmere, 1 December 2018.
Baines, Edward, Jr. A Companion to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. 2nd ed. London: Hurst, 1830.
Bardsley, Charles W. Chronicles of the Town and Church of Ulverston. Ulverston: Atkinson, 1885.
Barker, Juliet. William Wordsworth: A Life. London: Viking, 2001.
Bell, Andrew. Mutual Tuition and Moral Discipline; or, Manual of Instructions for Conducting Schools through the Agency of the Scholars Themselves. London: G. Roake, 1823.
Bellanca, Mary Ellen. “After-Life-Writing: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals in the Memoirs of William Wordsworth.” European Romantic Review 25 (April 2014): 201–18.
———. Daybooks of Discovery: Nature Diaries in Britain, 1770–1870. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 2007.
Bennett, J. M. Sir James Dowling, Second Chief Justice of New South Wales, 1837–1844. Leichhardt: Federation Press, 2001.
Bohls, Elizabeth A. “Dorothy Wordsworth and the Cultural Politics of Scenic Tourism.” In Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthetics, 1716–1818, 170–208. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.
Bradbury, David. Senhora Small Fry: Mary Barker and the Lake Poets. Whitehaven: Past Presented, 2003.
Brooke, Stopford. “On Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes.” Transactions of the Wordsworth Society 5 (1883): 25–35.
Burke, Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. London: Harrison, 1882.
Burton, Mary E., ed. The Letters of Mary Wordsworth, 1800–1855. Oxford: Clarendon, 1958.
Butler, Marilyn. “Editing Women.” Studies in the Novel 27, no. 3 (1995): 273–85.
Butler, Samuel, ed. The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Butler. 2 vols. London: Murray, 1896.
Cameron, Sharon. Choosing Not Choosing: Dickinson’s Fascicles. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.
Carr, Mary. Thomas Wilkinson: A Friend of Wordsworth. London: Headley Brothers, 1905.
Coburn, Kathleen, ed. Letters of Sara Hutchinson, 1800–1835. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1954.
Coleridge, Hartley. Letters of Hartley Coleridge. Edited by Grace Evelyn Griggs and Earl Leslie Griggs. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1937.
Colligan, James H. “Penruddock Presbyterian Meeting-house.” Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 5 (1905): 150–71.
Comitini, Patricia. “‘More Than Half a Poet’: Vocational Philanthropy and Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journals.” European Romantic Review 14 (2003): 307–22.
Courtenay, Louisa. “Notes of an Octogenarian.” Cornhill Magazine, 11 (new series, 1901): 84–101.
Cressy, David. Gypsies: An English History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2018.
Culley, Amy, and Anna M. Fitzer. “Introduction: Editing Women’s Writing, 1670–1840.” In Editing Women’s Writing, 1670–1840, edited by Amy Culley and Anna M. Fitzer, 1–17. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
Darbishire, Helen, ed. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford World’s Classics. London: Oxford UP, 1958.
Darlington, Beth. “Reclaiming Dorothy Wordsworth’s Legacy.” In The Age of William Wordsworth: Critical Essays on the Romantic Tradition, edited by Kenneth R. Johnston and Gene W. Ruoff, 160–72. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1987.
De Quincey, Thomas. “Lake Reminiscences, from 1807 to 1830, by the English Opium Eater, no. 3, William Wordsworth, Continued.” Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine 6 (April 1839): 246–54.
———. Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets: Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1862.
———. “Samuel Taylor Coleridge,” pt. 3. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine 1 (November 1834): 685–92.
———. “Sketches of Life and Manners; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-Eater,” pt. 1. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine 6 (December 1839): 569–81.
———. “Sketches of Life and Manners; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-Eater,” pt. 2, Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine 7 (January 1840): 32–39.
De Sélincourt, Ernest, ed. A Narrative Concerning George and Sarah Green. Oxford: Clarendon, 1936.
———. Dorothy Wordsworth: A Biography. Oxford: Clarendon, 1933.
———. ed. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1941.
———. et al. The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth. 2nd ed. 8 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1967–93.
Dybeck, Maurice, ed. Jessy’s Journal: Jessy and John, the Hardens of Brathay Hall 1804–1811. Ambleside: Brathay Trust, 2015.
Easley, Alexis. “Wandering Women: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journals and the Discourse on Female Vagrancy.” Women’s Writing 3, no. 1 (1996), 63–77.
Ezell, Margaret J. M. “Invisible Books.” In Producing the Eighteenth-Century Book: Writers and Publishers in England, 1650–1800, edited by Pat Rogers and Laura Runge, 53–69. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2009.
———. Social Authorship and the Advent of Print. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1999.
Fay, Elizabeth. Becoming Wordsworthian: A Performative Aesthetics. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1995.
Feder, Rachel. “The Experimental Dorothy Wordsworth.” Studies in Romanticism, no. 4 (2014), 541–59.
Fell, Alfred. The Early Iron Industry of Furness and District. Ulverston: Hume Kitchin, 1908.
Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1875.
Foskett, Daphne. John Harden of Brathay Hall, 1772–1847. Kendal: Abbot Hall, 1974.
Gill, Stephen. William Wordsworth: A Life. Oxford: Clarendon, 1989.
Gittings, Robert, and Jo Manton. Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford: Clarendon, 1985.
Gordon, Mary. “Christopher North”: A Memoir of John Wilson. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1862.
Green, William. The Tourist’s New Guide, Containing a Description of the Lakes, Mountains, and Scenery in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. 2 vols. Kendal: Lough, 1819.
Greg, W. W. The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare: A Survey of the Foundations of the Text. 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1954.
Griggs, Earl L., ed. Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1956–71.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. London: Longman, 1818.
Handbook to the English Lakes, with an Introduction by the Late William Wordsworth, Esq. Kendal: T. Wilson, 1859[?].
Heinzelman, Kurt. “The Cult of Domesticity: Dorothy and William Wordsworth at Grasmere.” In Romanticism and Feminism, edited by Anne K. Mellor, 52–76. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1988.
Heyl, Lawrence. “Peter Bell.” Biblia: Devoted to the Interests of the Friends of the Princeton Library 11, no. 3 (April 1940): 29–30.
Hone, William. The Every-Day Book, or, The Guide to the Year. 3 vols. London: William Tegg, 1827.
Howitt, William. The Rural Life of England. London: Longman, 1838.
Hudson, John, ed. A Complete Guide to the Lakes, comprising minute directions for the tourist, with Mr. Wordsworth’s description of the country, &c. and three letters upon the geology of the Lake District, by the Rev. Professor Sedgwick. Kendal: Hudson and Nicholson, 1842.
Hurley, Ann, and Chanita Goodblatt, “Preface.” In Women Editing/Editing Women: Early Modern Women Writers and the New Textualism. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2009.
Hutchinson, Sara. Letters of Sara Hutchinson, 1800–1835. Edited by Kathleen Coburn. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1954.
Jarvis, Robin. Romantic Writing and Pedestrian Travel. New York: St. Martin’s, 1997.
Jefferson, Samuel Jefferson. History and Antiquities of Carlisle. Carlisle: Jefferson, 1838.
Ketcham, Carl H. “Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals, 1824–1835,” Wordsworth Circle 9, no. 1 (1978), 3–16.
Knight, William, ed. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1897.
———, ed. Letters of the Wordsworth Family from 1787–1855. 3 vols. Boston: Ginn, 1907.
———. Life of William Wordsworth. 3 vols. (Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, vols. 9–11.) Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1889.
———, ed. Memorials of Coleorton: Being Letters from Coleridge, Wordsworth and His Sister, Southey, and Sir Walter Scott to Sir George and Lady Beaumont of Coleorton, Leicestershire, 1803–1834. 2 vols. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1887.
———, ed. Prose Works of William Wordsworth. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1896.
———, ed. Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, no. 5. Edinburgh UP, 1883.
———, ed. Wordsworthiana: A Selection from Papers Read to the Wordsworth Society. London: Macmillan, 1889.
Levin, Susan M. Dorothy Wordsworth and Romanticism. Rev. ed. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2009.
———, ed. Dorothy Wordsworth: A Longman Cultural Edition. London: Pearson Longman, 2009.
Levy, Michelle. Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
———. “The Wordsworths, the Greens, and the Limits of Sympathy.” Studies in Romanticism 42, no. 4 (Winter 2003): 543–63.
Liu, Alan. “On the Autobiographical Present: Dorothy Wordsworth’s ‘Grasmere Journals.’” 26, no. 2 (1984): 115–37.
Martineau, Harriet. A Complete Guide to the English Lakes. Pocket ed. Windermere: John Garnett, 1855.
Mason, Nicholas. “Larches, Llandaff, and Forestry Politics in Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes.” Studies in Romanticism 61.3 (2022): 429–60.
Mason, Nicholas, Shannon Stimpson, and Paul Westover, eds. William Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes: A Romantic Circles Digital Edition. “Romantic Circles,” 2015. Rev. ed. 2020.
McConnell, Anita, and Philip Collins. “Will the True Originator of the Storm Glass Please Own Up?,” Ambix 53, no. 1 (2006): 67–75.
McCracken, David. Wordsworth and the Lake District: A Guide to the Poems and Their Places. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1985.
McGann, Jerome. A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1983.
Mellor, Anne. Romanticism and Gender. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Moorman, Mary, ed. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971.
Newlyn, Lucy. William and Dorothy Wordsworth: “All in Each Other.” Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013.
Oliver, R. C. B. “The (Wordsworth) Hutchinsons in Radnorshire and on the Border.” Radnorshire Society Transactions 49 (1979): 24–46.
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Owen, W. J. B., and Jane Worthington Smyser, eds. The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1974.
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Potter, Stephen, ed. Minnow among Tritons: Mrs. S. T. Coleridge’s Letters to Thomas Poole, 1799–1834. Bloomsbury: Nonesuch, 1934.
Pratt, Lynda, Tim Fulford, and Ian Packer, eds. The Collected Letters of Robert Southey: A Romantic Circles Electronic Edition. Romantic Circles, 2009–17.
Purton, Valerie. A Coleridge Chronology. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1993.
Rawnsley, H. D. Literary Associations of the English Lakes. 2 vols. Glasgow: MacLehose, 1894.
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Reed, Mark L. Wordsworth: The Chronology of the Middle Years. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1975.
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Rigge, Henry Fletcher. “The Harrington Tomb in Cartmel Priory Church.” Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 5 (1881): 114–15.
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Salt, Henry S. On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scawfell. London: A. C. Fifield, 1908.
Sands, Ronald. Portrait of the Wordsworth Country. London: Robert Hale, 1984.
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Slagle, Judith Bailey, ed. The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie. 2 vols. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1997.
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