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Joel Faflak

Joel Faflak is Professor of English and Theory in the Department of English and Writing Studies at Western University, where he is Director of the School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities. He is author of Romantic Psychoanalysis: The Burden of the Mystery (SU of New York P, 2008), co-author of Revelation and Knowledge: Romanticism and Religious Faith (U of Toronto P, 2011), editor of De Quincey’s Confessions (Broadview, 2009), and editor or co-editor of nine volumes, including The Handbook to Romanticism Studies (Wiley, 2012), The Public Intellectual and the Culture of Hope (U of Toronto P, 2013), Romanticism and the Emotions (Cambridge UP, 2014), and Romanticism and Evolution (U of Toronto, 2017). He was North American Editor (Romanticism) for Literature Compass, is co-editor of Palgrave Studies in Affect Theory and Literary Criticism, and has won the Polanyi Prize for Literature (2002) and the Governor General’s Gold Medal for Research Excellence (1999). He is currently working on two books: “Romantic Psychiatry: The Psychopathology of Happiness” and “Get Happy! Utopianism and the American Film Musical.”


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